Originally Posted by Anonymous
Let’s see. what’s the answer to that question?
A) they care about 29 kids so much, they want them to develop into good lax players.

B) 12 kids could get hurt, so 18 are left. That’s a great number.

C) 29 kids were so good at tryouts, unable to go under that number.

D) 29 tuitions is 20 grand more revenue then 24 tuitions.

Im going with answer D

This is isnt PAL. Like it or not travel lacrosse is a business. What kind of person would turn down money for his business. If people are willing to pay 4K to sit on the bench and not play that’s on them. Not the club owners. Would you tell them “sorry.....I can’t take your money. You probably won’t pay much.” Of course you wouldn’t. You think Mike C is bad? He’s nothing compared to Carol Rose. Carol Rose has been doing this for years and making a fortune. She has 5-6 teams in some age groups !!