Long Island teams so far this fall

Venom - top dogs so far, again some serious players were added to this team

Express - solid second on Long Island with a surprising loss to Rebels, it looks like they have 35+ kids on that team

Legacy - lots of new talent, struggled vs Express at Columbus Day, one new kid has left already. They might pull it all together and compete with the top teams

Rush - they wont be beating any top 20 teams but they’ll compete with the rest

S2S - a few super talented kids, they will compete

Rebels - Big win vs Express, but poor results otherwise, they seemed better at Octoberfest compared to Columbus

Surge - strong group of kids, but will be plagued when they play top teams because all the top kids are on venom, but they will compete, just not vs top opponents

Igloo - need more data, got beat by express and venom but kept it close with cavalry, so somewhere around Rebels level if I had to guess


Top B teams
True blue?