Interesting. Jesters is the St. Rose basketball team that wins the LI class A CYO basketball championship every year? A few of those girls are really good athletes. Great basketball players make great lacrosse players if they can handle the stick.[/quote]

Great point, helps develop great footwork

And great basketball players make great baseball players if they can throw 98mph...

Never would have thought to make that analogy since we are talking about 11 year old girls lax but excellent post nonetheless. You should probably get your kid to the wall now


Great track and soccer players make great lacrosse players, if they can handle the's that for talking about 11yr old girls lax? My kids been to the wall plenty, committed...enjoy your basketball championships Dean Smith.

Where did your daughter commit to and what club does she play/played for? Care to share any meaningful thoughts since you seem to have a handle on how things work?
Was she a multi-sport athlete and did she run track or play soccer?