Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If they left
Where did they go

Baseless rumors that will be debunked soon enough.
who cares. The team has lost its image after the stunt they pulled in the NLF .

Totally agree. They are the opposite of what youth sports are all about.
Wow! I haven't been on this site for a while. Its nice to see that nothing has changed.


Prior to the NLF the WP boys/coaches/families were up the east coast and across to the west coast for 7 consecutive weeks. The parents requested to not enter this final tournament because everyone was fried. The 91 organization felt that it was necessary to participate. So, we packed up for the 8th consecutive weekend. It was 100 degrees with the humidity, we were missing 2 players, and one goalie was sick as a dog. The boys and families were spread over 10 different hotels, some over an hour away. So, when the NLF tournament directors offered the teams that did not make it to the finals the opportunity to leave due to the extreme heat, the coaches polled the parents and we gladly accepted the offer. Most parents brought the boys and their siblings, (who were troopers this summer) to a lake. Besides for the boys winning the WSYL, by far probably the best memory of the summer.

Now for the team that stayed to play the WP that day, that was terrible. I will say that there was not one parent or coach that did not feel awful about that when we found out. However, that was the responsibility of the tournament directors to communicate that to the coaches of that team not the WP. If it make anyone feel better, I think I speak for everyone when I offer my sincerest apologies.

I am aware that this was a waste of time- but at least I feel better... It is well known that people will always attempt to knock those that are successful. Those boys, families, and COACHES sacrificed an enormous amount this summer, so continue to bash them all you want. But, if you are looking for facts, THOSE ARE THE FACTS. Those trash talking and making comments about how you would "never even allow your child to tryout for that team"... you're loss. I could not be happier with the coaches, families and friends that he has been surrounded by for the past 6 years. He has made life-long friends that come from amazing families. Families that have been there for each other through thick and thin. Can anyone else say that? My experience with other teams is that there is an awful lot of jealousy and back stabbing. The vile things I have come across during my years on the sideline... that doesn't happen on WP. The coaches will send you packing. Finally, for the TOOLS that continue to write #packupandleave... you remind me of a 4 year old that made someone laugh so you continue to post the same garbage over and over and over. It is old. Don't be that guy...no one likes "that guy". Get a job. For the rest of the lacrosse community good luck this season.

Don’t sweat it. The same dense comment is only coming from one person, the same troll from Madlax. Nobody else cares.

WHO CARES!, NO ONE CARES, it's 13 year old lacrosse. Next time you go to 7/11 for a cup of coffee tell your WSYL story to the guy behind the counter, you will still have to pay $$ for that cup of coffee. It means absolutely NOTHING! Take your personal memories of the summer, place them in a cigar box and place the box in you "keep sake draw". Next year at this time, you will understand what I'm saying.