Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not sure where or how to post this-
When do you think it’s time to move on from a club?
Been with the club for three years. About a 40-50% win percentage. I know it’s not about the wins. We play in a major club league against the hardest competition out there.
The thing is - it’s become stagnant. The club offers goalie training and draw training on the first day of practice of each spring/ fall season only.
Suffered thru four hard games this weekend that would have been different if we would have won the draw. Same girls has been doing the draw for three years. Can’t win it worth crap and they insist on staying middies. Same middies for last three years who barely break 5’ and 90 lbs wet.
My daughter isn’t learning anything new.
Other teams chewed up our defense like bubblegum with aggressive moves that just were not in our playbook.
Our attack can’t move the ball past the 8meter. They have to stop the momentum to regroup every time.
I know I sound like a Monday morning QB but club takes up so much time for The whole family.

Can you share your club name or location so others can avoid it?