Originally Posted by Anonymous
EN is infected with a virus. That virus from Yorktown has infiltrated the organization for the sole benefit of his child and his child’s bff. That virus has taken control from a man suffering from illness, back door deals with showcases etc. . CS is one of the greatest humans on the planet. One of the greatest teachers around. But , he is loyal to a fault. He needs to cut the virus asap .
I'm sorry but havign been around the club scene for a long time - including in EN - this just reeks of a pissed off parent who didn't get what he felt his son deserved.
If it's who I think you are talking about and I have no interest in this argument either way, you are talking about probably the best two players in their respective positions not only in their own class, but probably all of section 1. If it's the GK - then easily he's top 3 in section 1 regardless of his class, but his is probably one of the top ones in his recruiting class. Attackman is the same.

So what did you not get that you think you deserve?