Yesterday, 5-2 (with two game results pending: Irvgtn v NR and Hrrsn v BH), Overall, 71-23.
M-pac, WOW 12-5 win against L/P. Didn’t see that coming.

Today’s 5 game predictions:
Pelham at Bronxville: BXV

Wappingers at Arlington: Arlgtn

Eastchester at Rye: RYE

Somers at Fox Lane: Somers

John Jay at Yorktown. Some intangibles: Both teams are going into this game off a loss, JJ playing with chip, Y playing at Home, I expect a close game, with Y winning by 2.
I expect some post game chatter that Y is lucky to have won the game and that JJ was very close in winning the game.