Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I´d have to disagree about primetime being the best team. For HS certainly, but these other teams are extremely competitive and better in youth. Starting with 2024 and below, eclipse, express north, and 2way are equally as strong. With a variation for each year.

PT remains #1 and I do agree with you that the performance/talent gap is narrowing with programs like Eclipse, Preds and 2W. But LIE North has a wide spectrum of teams within Westchester/Fairfield and to many of those teams water down the success of a couple of teams.

Also, Tri-state 91 doesn't ever seem to be competing with the other programs.

The Pride looks like its starting to gain some traction and could be on the right path in becoming a stand alone A program.

Primetime- Perennial and original great program in the area. Consistently ranked, placing players D1 and playing top tournaments. Top age group down they have good teams. Daniello is the grand dad of club lacrosse with contacts and a product to match the experience.

Eclipse- Darien, New Canaan, Greenwich. etc More insular program to the areas they service with very good teams. Consistently ranked in top 20, placing players D1 and playing top tournaments. All age groups have very good teams.

2way- Brunswick prep school hold back program. Starting to build momentum and sometimes play top teams, generally competing but ultimately losing. Never seen at NLF or NAL tournaments. Building something interesting for a specific market.

Preds- Lower Westchester / Rye program with some prep and other local talent. Good teams end at 2023. Place a few kids, lose big to the top programs. Program is a side hustle.

Express North- Some good AA teams at different ages but some ages have 3 maybe 4 teams which means they have a market but not necessarily talent. Play a lot, usually at big tournaments.

91 Tristate- Best teams are mediocre A teams. The rest are average B teams. Have a solid offering but can not compete against any of the above, other than EN 2nd or 3rd teams depending on age group. Only play 91 owned B tournaments.

Pride-Westchester Warriors-Ballers all good B programs.

You absolutely nailed it!

But holdbacks are not limited to 2way, it's every team/program and school district.

Also, Westchester Warriors is way below Pride and Ballers.