Originally Posted by Anonymous
Most try to do both, but some times it isn't possible especially when your not at the same location. Trust me, my child doesn't think he is better than anyone else, but he is made to feel like he isn't part of a school team because he chooses to play club ball, that is what we are talking about!!!
My daughter is made to feel the same way, so I understand what your saying. My advice to my daughter is to do what will get you closer to her goal, and do your best to shrug off the nasty comments she receives at school. Though it's hard for a 12-17 year old to understand, Middle and High School will come to an end and it's more important to do the thing that will further there aspirations, than to cave into peer pressure, or pressure from a coach that knows his role in the recruiting process is going the way of the dinosaur. Stay strong for your kid, guide them to do the right thing for them, not the easy one