Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Gymnastics, tennis ,golf , I can see an 8th grader play varsity. But lacrosse is a contact sport. The physical strength between a possible 18 year old and 13/14 yr old is flat out dangerous. Any school official would be careless to do that

....in your opinion, correct? Can you declare this for every situation? Have you ever seen a 110 lb Junior/Senior? Have you ever seen a 200 lb 13 yr old? They DO exist, and our love for hormone injected livestock has seen that these kids are around (genetics may play a small part as well). Wish the kid well, as your child will learn from this expression of benevolence. I just mean to point out that we have probably seen some of the most gross mismatches occur on high school fields, and the kids usually come out just fine. If a kid is willing, and an athletic department is willing, and all are within the guidelines of safety put forth by our state, maybe we should cheer on little Johnny, and show more concern for the nubie whom is sure to get creamed by the jock of the same age headed his way at a full gallop!

Speaking of hormones - recently overheard one long island 2016 kid tell another on an airplane that they take hormone injections because "my dad says it will make me grow". Looking at this kid, he was slightly bigger than his friend. This is now the second one that I've heard about in this grade - the other being a clearly over zealous father in a well-to-do town with a rich lax history. Parents messing with mother nature regardless of long term repurcussions or just medically necessary? Anybody else hearing anything along these lines?


I've actually researched this fairly extensively just out of curiosity. Basically I came out on the side of "just don't do it!". Only in the case of fairly severe cases of hormone deficiency does it even begin to cross over into the area of medically necessary. There are many doctors who strongly believe that the long term consequences can be severely detrimental leading to many potential health problems as an adult - mainly involving the liver, link to certain cancers, cardiovascular and circulatory systems - particular abnormalities of the heart (enlargement) - remember the heart is a muscle and affected the same way a bicep would be. Don't even think about it for an athletic edge! Unfortunately there are parents who will try to push the envelope and for sure if you look hard enough for a doctor to go along with it you'll find one too.