Originally Posted by Anonymous
Nobody held them up as paragons of virtue. However, in a day and age when most of the country (especially the youth) are entitled and narcissistic and when such a small percentage of the population chooses to serve, I think you would be better off selecting other targets than kids who choose to attend our nation's service academies.

You do come off as sort of a sourpuss and perhaps even a tad envious. You sound like a jilted lover.

As for educating the public, we appreciate your attempt at that particular service but again, it really isn't necessary.

You come across as some sort of pompous jackass who feels you are somehow special because your 14 year old committed 9 years of their life away . It's a great school and certainly those who are attending should be proud but let's not pretend that the students who select a military academy are the greatest academic or greatest athletes out there. I have seen many parents push their kids to certain schools because they like the price tag and this is no different.