Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Good youth program? What catholic school has a youth program? They actually have a very good middle school team and JV team is having great season. What are you basing your next few year prediction on?

I feel bad for you if you are a Kellenberg parent and are so miss informed. Here is how I came to my short term prediction of Kellenberg. The long Island Express is there youth program. This coach was hired to take Kellenberg to the next level. He is a director for Express. The talent on the varsity team is clear. Your record speaks for itself. This can’t be blamed just on the coach. As for the JV team goes, the jury is still out. No one can predict what next year will bring for any team. That said look at the other strong teams (minus St A & Chammy) in the catholic schools. There rosters have underclassmen on them and they are contributing to their teams success. Kellenberg’s JV may be having some success but the best JV players for the other schools are playing on Varsity. You can see how miss leading this is for Kellenberg’s JV team’s success? Playing/practicing on the varsity as an underclassman clearly makes you a better player. If Kellenberg doesn’t have underclassman good enough to play/practice on a poor performing Varsity Team, really doesn’t look good for Kellenbergs short term future.

Very well said. Totally agree