Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The best thing you can do that resort to this forum is call the new coach and have a conversation about what she is doing to bring in players. She herself is a wealth of information in regards to the program and where it is headed, more so than an anonymous forum.
The coach is obviously going to tell them how strong the program is and all of the newcomers coming in. While there is plenty of trolling going on around here, the truth of the matter is GCS is in BIG trouble. They only have SEVEN girls below 2024 and NO JV team. I'd be seriously concerned (current players and potential future).
How do you know what she will say? Have you talked to her? Do you know her AT ALL? Doubt it. To the OP, make a call, ask the Coach the tough questions about the program, instead of listening to anonymous posters who have no clue about the person she is, the program she is going to attempt to build, the recruiting she is doing, nothing.