Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lord knows why they would even become coaches for GFS... they don't even show up to practices for their own team the day before a game or THE DAY OF during warm-ups because they go watch their daughters play and claim they're "scouting." Ever heard of watching film? The only thing I've ever heard from watching Garrison play in games is the coach screaming his head off cursing girls out on the field. That may work with your Calvert Hall team, but not with a group of teenage girls. No wonder these girls are having a rough season... so unfortunate considering how many commits / how much talent there is on this team. Wouldn't be surprised to see these C2 coaches go coach at RPCS for playoffs...

It isn’t just that coach. The coach that came from another IAAM school is equally as bad, if not worse. She is constantly putting girls down. Not a good way to earn the respect of your players.

As a parent with a player on this team what you have written is far from what she is experiencing. The team is senior heavy and there were high expectations that were not met but that is not all on the coaches. My player has felt valued and challenged and has continually mentioned that she is learning a lot. Spitting out venomous perceptions is not good for anyone. These are people with families that give up their time to coach (pay is nothing) and don't deserve to be slandered by anonymous posters on a forum that should be used to celebrate the accomplishments of our girls.