Originally Posted by Anonymous
And public’s school pages are filled with community college acceptances sooo.. put your money where your mouth is.

Spoken like a true entitled private school parent.
detest to break this news to you, but not everyone can afford private school. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. So I’m not sure why you feel the need to shame. Constantly. There are thousands of public school kids who go on to high-level division one programs, mid division one programs, low level division one programs, high-level division three programs, all sorts of programs. There are thousands of kids who graduate from high school and go to a junior college and then go onto those high-level division one programs. I also know a lot of parents who went to public school who hold better jobs, have better homes, and living a much better life than a ton of people I know who went to private school. So please, tell me what your point is in putting down people who don’t go to private school. I’ll wait.