Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yep, McDonogh goalie is transfering to SPSG
What goalie? They have three. A stellar starter goalie and then two mediocre goalies. If the mediocre goalies are transferring SPGS already has a sub par goalie, Mary isn’t going to make a lateral transfer. Which goalie is it?
LOL! That “stellar” goalie is a trainwreck off the field with a reputation no coach wants to deal with, so yes she isn’t going anywhere, dad. MG a heck of a lot smarter than that.
Posting this drivel at 3 in the morning? Wow, talk about living rent free in your head! MG her club coach, smooth brain 😂 😂
You do know some people work while others sleep, right? So yeah, when it’s a slow night of helping people, I come in here and read your horse 💩 to keep me entertained. I stand by what I said. She ain’t going anywhere because she will sit if she does, and daddio wont let that happen. Prove me wrong and I will apologize.