Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is all a joke. Doesn't matter the school. IAAM is rife with TMZ type strife.
McD, SPSG, RPCS, Maryvale, GFS, GCS all have their issues.

SPSG are known as sore losers and whine about anything not going their way
Maryvale has coach rumors and dealing with rumors forever it seems to follow
RPCS experiences mutiny on the sidelines and parent interference as likely never seen before
McD overlook breaking the laws constantly with no repercussions as long as token head coach doesn't eff up with the TC leftovers
GFS pure chaos for a school that was trying to move up is now very, very down and possibly out
GCS in a slow death kneel and clearly not going in the right direction supposedly

The IAAM is filled with drama and unfortunately with people who are overinvested in a niche sport that matters so much for a short period of time and really only in this area. Not looking forward to the crashes of so many who's identities are tied up in this.
Why are you here then? Looking for attention or do you seek out other websites to troll? Maybe seek therapy for your disdain of Iaam lacrosse.