Originally Posted by Anonymous
I don’t think camps open to and do include girls from any school are considered coaching contact. The rule appears to focus on limiting out of season school team practices, skill sessions, and film sessions/meetings. The coach can be involved in 3 hours per week of team activities. Teams could have 3 one hour practices a week during the off season and not be in violation. There is no mention of players attending open camps run by a coach or where the coach is an instructor so I don’t think any camp counts as a “team” activity.

At the end of the day, who is going to take the time to document this and report it? Unless someone is making off season practices mandatory and they are having multiple practices every week run by the coach, who cares? I have never heard of any team doing anything close to this. I’m sure some girls feel like captain’s practices are mandatory because they want to make an impression.

I don’t know why this was ever brought up at all.
Because there is always a Karen in the group looking to get someone in trouble just for the sheer pleasure it gives them.