Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
At this point Travel is just extra exposure HS ball is key. As always, if a parent dont like a situation, do something about it...If not, take it like chump and remain quiet.
Anyone who thinks HS ball is key is lost. With a few exceptions, most HS teams [Censored]. It's actually difficult to watch. You have players that can barely catch and throw on some teams.
Next HS game tell your kid you're staying home. How about supporting them for playing a game they love, maybe even show some community spirit. Regardless of whether the hs team is good or bad, these kids will remember playing with their hs buddies and cherish them the most. They'll barely remember their cut throat back stabbing club lacrosse days.

Just rich people looking to get ahead.

Wow this devolved quickly. People talking past each other.Not hearing the other side.Agree with poster 2 but OP has some merit. If the goal is to play in college bit of both from our experience but side more that club is needed. For my oldest club was the most important by far. He played for a top five high school and no kid saw the field for real minutes until junior year. If he had not played club Sept 1 the phone wouldnt have ringed. Because he played for a top club team he got a lot of calls. If you play for a bad high school team and the goal is college lax then club is important. And if you play for a good high school team unless you are a top five NY or MD HS there are less looks and again club is important if college is the goal. Recruiting happens at the big tournaments and showcases. Make sure your club has a great recent history of recruiting. Be skeptical and ask questions and make sure club isnt hanging there hat on recruits from ten years ago or something like that. Recent recruits and success stories. Recruiting director and all. Good luck.