Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
There are many of kids right here in MD that are thought of to be the best at this age! Many of them should be 2021 and have been playing their correct age or year up 2020. Now they must fall back to where they actually are grade wise. Like it or not these select few will always receive the highest honors . Everyone in this class , and I mean EVERYONE will always know exactly how they got to where they are. They will never be able to hide from it.


As a parent of an on-age player, who cares? The "on-age" 2022 players are in 9th grade now. Many of the best on-age players will play varsity this year against players 3 years older, maybe more. I don't know any of those kids who are complaining about it. Most are looking forward to it! The only people who are still complaining about it at this point are the parents who pay way to much money to watch their kids sit behind an entire team full of playbacks at a private school, or parents who spend way to much to watch their kids sit behind playbacks on certain club teams. There are plenty of on-age players who are still the top players in Maryland despite the hold-back crap. Stop complaining and just PLAY! You are teaching your kid to make excuses by example now! If your kid is not playing, then stop approaching lacrosse like it is a popularity contest and move to a club or school where they will play! Legitimately complaining about hold-backs ends when they all can grow a mustache.