Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
A baby sitter of ours sttends St. A's but dates a Chaminade guy. I asked to describe the difference between the kids she goes to school with and the people she hangs around with from her boyfriends school and her response was (for what its worth) was that the Chaminade guys were more "clean cut" and the St. A's guys more "guido".

Per haps you should educate your babysitter on the politically incorrect reference of "guido".

Our daughter attended St Anthony's and had friends at both schools. I have met all of them. The common thread was certainly not "guides" from St A's and "clean cut" boys from chaminade.

You are attempting to classify 425 students at one school and 600+ at another based upon your babysitter's sophomoric evaluation?? really? or were you just trying to take a stab at the boys who go to St A's??

"Chaminade boys are more clean cut"? OMG, wake up and take a peek at some of the instagram & twitter accounts of your CLEAN CUT angels. Every HS everywhere has some level of issues with kids on social media, drugs & fighting no matter private or public schools.

But to you Chaminade people, please dont think the boys at that school are "great kids". You have many bad ones like everyone else. Also, tell your pretend babysitter she is incorrect.