Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Honestly it's rude at this point Express! Thabksgiving is tomorrow. People have families. If you are having a tournament the day after a family holiday at least have the decency to get families the schedule so they can plan. I'm tempted to not even have my son play but I don't want to hurt the rest of the team.

Very Noble of you.
Make sure Your Rabil is rested.
As the team probably cant compete without him
you pompous a$$

Why is it you read that the team can't compete without my son? I didn't say that. I'm sure I am not the only one with a family and would like to spend Thanksgiving weekend with my family and that I am not the only one that might not be able to bring my son if we can't plan accordingly. So if a bunch of boys do not show up it would hurt the team. That is what I meant, you a$$. My post was a complaint out to Express. I don't normally complain about the organization. I just think this is rude.

Do us a favor and stay home we will manage without your son.