Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Watch out current members of 2016 Orange, that's not a light at the end of the tunnel - it's the Chaminade, St Anthony's and Kellenberg freight train.

Happens every year freshman year. They see who comimits to St Anthony or Chaminade and then the tie always goes to those kids over a public school kid. There is room for a few exceptions but count on seeing the majority of black and red helmets and even moreso each year that passes. That is the express agenda. There is still time to enroll in Chaminade if youve put your deposit in but it has to be before classes start. St Anthony's will take a kid later. If you are not sure how this will work out get your kid into one of those two schools ASAP to swing the odds in your favor. Either way you cant go wrong with a better education and a less stressful express experience.

I agree. Worked for my kid. He made Orange and had never played Express before. Some public school kids at his position are now on Blue or left the club. My kid is good but I can't say he's better but he made a very good school choice that is working well academically and on the field.