Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This guy nailed it right here : Not mine . Listen up ME

Lets be honest.

Every club, in any state will have at least a couple of girls that get recruited to top schools. These will be the best athletes and would have succeeded in any sport, and to those girls we say congratulations. These young woman are from Colorado, California, Texas etc..., but that by no means make the clubs they come from as competitive as clubs from Long Island, or Maryland. All that means is that some naturally athletic girls picked up a stick and put in hours and hours against a wall.

In the case of Mass Elite I see a club that has been around for a while, in a state where Lax is finally starting to catch on, and is finally being able to put together a single year of girls that are fairly competitive, and to those girls that get recruited to any scholl we say congratulations, welcome to the club. But that in no means makes you a top tier club in line with Long Island and Maryland.

I have been involved with lax for decades of my life with both boys and girls, and have seen at least a hundred girls clubs evolve in that time, some peak and than struggle, some slowly grow to become powerhouses. I have seen Mass Elite in more than a few tournaments and have watched them evolve from a fustrated club that can't hang with L.I. teams, causing them to turn to thuggery to keep up, to a team that is finally starting to figure it out. But make no mistake you are a teen playing in an adult world, and that is a best case scenario.

Yes, you have some naturally talented players within your club, but the proof of how good a club, or an entire region, is in any sport, is how well roll players do. Every region will have there big scorers succeed, and that is what is happening at M.E. causing the parents up in Mass. to think something that is not true. The roll players on L.I. and in Md. are almost as good as you top tier players in every other region, and that is why you will continue to struggle against us.

Remember one simple fact about L.I. and Md., Lacrosse is like a religion in these places. If you walk down any residential street or go to any high school or sports field you will see lacrosse cages in use in December and January, it is non stop in these places. we love this game. Now some day you might catch up, or even surpass us, but that day is not today

You all keep talking about whole clubs and regions and this and that. It is one team. One age group. And yes they r a top 5 team. Get over it already. Why is it so hard for you people to understand and accept? The college coaches have.
I wrote the original post, and let me say congratulations to your daughter that you are very obviesoly very prod of, as you should be. But you just don't get it do you? Unless you have talked to every college coach you can not state that all college coaches consider M.E. a top 5 club, and to say that sounds a little dickey..... sorry.

This one team might be above average for your club as a whole, and that is good for them, but as a whole your club isn't that good. Let me tell you something about college coaches..... they are all the same in one respect..... they all lie. They will tell you and your daughter exactly what they think you want to hear.

Seeing as you are quite new to this let me also inform you of this little tid bit, no matter how good you think your daughter is, there will be 10 girls from L.I. and M.d. in the 2020, 21 , 22, and 23 classes ready to take her spot in a second, and chances are they will.

Most regional and "good team" girls will struggle in college, on the field, against the hot bed girls, its just the way of College sports. Sure maybe one or 2 of the girls on your list will se any significant playing time, but probably not.

You state that one of your girls is going to Princeton, well my daughter played on jer club with a girl in Princeton now, she is ver fast, very smart, and very good, so good luck

Lastly you said that your super team played down at Lax for a Cure but didn't do well because they were missing a single girl commited to N.D. well is that super team made up of that one girl. this what you don't seem to get.... the L.I. and Md. teams were probably also missing one or more of there "stars" and probably, against your super team greatly lengthened their bench and still beat you. like I stated in the original post, in the hot beds, our roll players are as good as your best players, if and when you understand that simple point, and if and when you club reaches that point year in and year out, only then will you be considered TOP 5, and believe me.... you are not there yet