Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Heros 2019 has some very strange parents.

Really? And you are basing your comparison to what? Is it because these parents were out there sucking down dust throughout the whole weekend, while watching their daughters play a fringe sport?
If your daughter was already committed or had attended any of the top tier camps or combines - you might have had an opportunity to be around more of the Heros parents. Frankly, they all seem just like most of the LI parents except they have that weird Maryland accent.
Careful how you judge - there are very few D1 programs out there that do not have any Maryland girls. Chances are you will be spending 4 years with those very strange parents.

Spend 4 years with them? I may need to reconsider this project.

I know, I've been praying a lot lately and will planning on doing a lot of drinking when we get there. But, whacha gonna do about it? Girl's picked her school and we're along for the ride.