Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm not defending either side but everyone knows that the success of top teams is largely controlled by a teams best 5-6 kids - probably more like 3-4 kids. Every player contributes but the top kids really make it happen. After that most kids are just about even. When you take away those top kids and replace them with 2nd and 3rd team kids the team drops a notch or two. This should be obvious to everyone. The best 2019 1st team kids were not at the tournament because it is showcase format and it just does not make sense economically to be there.

Kind of amazing that a club like YJ needs to rely on 3-4 kids and beyond that has no depth?
Would have expected much more from then.

If their boasting is any indication of their awesomeness, ALL of us would expect more from them. Jeez...they have like 1000 players per age group. It seems like they could put together a decent team any time of the year, at will. Just have cr wiggle her nose or snap her fingers and 57 players that will all be top 5 D1 starters as freshmen will line up to play.