Yeah because there are so many studies on those types of things you ignorant moron . You are so pathetically desperate to say your hideous kid has beaten the top YJ team it's actually sad. Little do you know that if your kid sucks now she will still suck in college . [/quote]

And again, a typical yj parent rears their ugly head and calls a kid they don't know "hideous" and that they "suck". Sounds like somebody is still in 8th grade. [/quote]

And yet you are okay with the kid will wilt etc comment because you are so desperate to knock YJ it's sad. If you think that those teams are a true representation of YJ top teams it just shows how desperate you are. [/quote]

There were 13 top team kids including commits to UVA, MD, Penn St. and Duke among others. There were also 2 "2nd team" kids committed to Syracuse and SB. We keep hearing how great they all are. The other teams also had some top committed kids not there as well. Bottom line, these girls (some of whose parents I'm sure are one's who get on here and brag constantly) just got toasted. Deal with it. It's ok that there are other teams and girls that are as good and better. It is what it is.