What I find absolutely disgusting and offensive about your comment is that you diminish the dedication and hard work these teenage boys put in all year long to a pay for play scheme. Are you saying the kids who started didn't deserve it? You should be ashamed of yourself!! Most of those boys...the ones who want to take their sport to the next level, sacrifice a lot of time practicing during, after, before and in between seasons and practices to make themselves better. And the boys who are not doing this should not be surprised when their number isn't called! What you and most of your ilk fail to realize is that playing time is a REWARD for hard work!! (just like at work. You don't get a promotion or raise for just showing up)
So, if we use your "theory", then the families of the boys who got college commitments must have paid off those college coaches too, as you probably believe they don't deserve that either! Please grow up and face reality!