Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not working hard to better their game at all. Another money maker. Play 3 tournies 30 kids on team. No practices maybe one just before a tourney. Not much playing time because of numbers and they do not play well as a team.
A lot of talent but you would never know it.

LOL..... So you know how often the LIE 2017 Committed Team practices? Really? And you know how many kids participate? Your ignorance is amusing. Bottom line is they don't get up early on weekends or meet on weekday nights to get accolades, as there is not very much attention placed on 2017s at this point. College Coaches are looking at 2019s and 2020s... These kids practice to prepare themselves to play lacrosse at the college level.

When little Johnny gets passed over on his college team and a younger kid gets more PT, you can explain to him that he should have practiced more after being committed instead of cruising along and playing x-box.