Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Just like SWR, Sayville, Manhasset, etc the BoD hides behind privacy laws. They can not be held accountable for their actions nor are they forced to explain their decisions. We've seen this happen over and over; vote in reasonable Board members, its the only answer.

really? hide behind the law that forbids the school board from disclosing personal information about employees? and your solution is to vote in reasonable board members that will disclose personal information? maybe the board of ed would rather spend it's time on the education and needs of the over 99% of the students that do not play varsity lacrosse. things like building maintenance, personnel, security ect. this is just lacrosse.

They are held accountable for their actions every three years when they run for election to make these decisions.

That was my point. Vote in Board members who are aligned with your/our beliefs and values. That is the only way to hold them accountable...vote them out and your guy in.