Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Re ML DMV. It started this summer. They were in some championship game/tourney....AA or A and CM invited the DMV goalie to the Vail/CAP tournament, didn't tell the parents and the DMV families showed up to play with no goalie. Thus they had to forfeit. As you can imagine, the parents were pissed. What happened after the that, I don't know. I know a bunch of DMV kids tried out for NL and DCE Orange, but don't know how many made it.
That’s smooth work right there from Cabell. Invite the DMV goalie to Vail and don’t tell the DMV team that he’s leaving mid-tournament, and you’ll therefore be forfeiting. But then again, he has no problem forfeiting, or changing the name of his teams to avoid losses piling up on his ranking. What a clown show he is.

He is a leader in club lacrosse in DMV area . Sorry you couldnt make ML or compete against them.
He certainly is the leader in the DMV. Leads in virtually every category of what I wouldn’t want my kid to be around. Dude is a sociopath. So funny how he can’t even field a DMV team in the high school age groups, everyone has left by then. So he has to go out and pull in unsuspecting players from TX, KY, FL, etc to fill the squad. Which is why NL and DC Express own Cabell from 9th grade and beyond. And that’s a fact.

In 10th grade, VLC owns Cabell too, using many of his former players.

VLC imploded at 2028, so no matter what else you say about Cabell he at least still has a team.

Kinda hard to argue that.... It is ashame that they could not get it together. That would have been a good option for the Northern VA kids.