Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
2Way just got blown out by BBL today. Stop putting them up top... Madlax and Hawks are ahead of the pack, with Hawks on top for the time being— although, they had a squeaker today with True Annapolis.

Great chance the Crabs and refs were hoping to see True, not the Hawks in today’s Young Guns final. Hawks were man down 7 (7!!!!) times in the game and still found a way to win. 12 noon on 93 degree turf. Hawks dug one out. Probably more of a info is toon of a tough team than a knock.

True played them tough and had two goals taken away in the game that were more than questionable. I am not a True dad but they have improved a lot. I do not know anything about their organization but the only thing I saw were a couple Hawks dads acting like fools. If you look at thing objectively I think Truie is better than they are getting credit for.

No goals taken away. They were actually given a goal by the refs who, along with the kid running the table and clock, didn’t remove the goal scored after True got the ball on a delayed penalty. I’m with you on dads acting notIntelligent, but that was on both sides. Two True dads were yelling nonstop adding trash talk to the end of every encouragement for their 11 year old sons. If you’re going to tell “he can’t go right” every time a kid touches the ball then you’re going to hear from a dad eventually. When a Hawk got run over everyone was carrying on high-fiving. Don’t get upset when a couple dads give it back when the game flips. True had the game won and didn’t finish. They also lost to the Blue Claws. Keep it together.

I was referring to the point that they scored two goals and had them removed...either legit or not, they were playing well. You are correct they did not finish the game well, they had it in their reach but could not get it done. I did not hear a lot of negativity from either side until parents close to the field for the Hawks started yelling expletives towards the other parents. That was low class. Yelling "make him go right" is hardly a negative comment...that is strategy of the game, if you notice a kid goes left better than right...I don't know of any team that would not say it. It was a high energy game, if a kid gets run over trying to initiate contact then cheering for that is not a bad thing. For the most part I thought the parents were getting along fine in that game and it was good sportsmanship on both sides. The Hawks have a great team and they are very good....my only point was True looks better than they are getting credit for and I was not sure if there was something I am missing.