Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If MiniMad could get DC booted from HOCO he would try, but that might be too much embarressment for even him too endure.

Here are the latest FACTS from Fall:

1. CM got DCE 28 blocked from NAL. He wanted to ban all of DCE but the other members literally laughed at him. They said no way. Think about it, so-called one of the most "elite" Fall tournaments bans 2 of the top HS teams in the country? Beyond silly. CM then said just the 28s then. They tentatively agreed but were not happy and tried to call him to tell him no. He avoided their calls like an infant. So DCE Black found another local option. It happened.

2. Fall Brawl. ML enters FB and won't play DCE's B Team eventhough they happily posted all over instagram last week that they won a B tournament. Again, it happened. So he engineered it with his boy Hogan so he plays the Hawks (which they will lose and nobody will really say anything) and then plays 2 B teams to save face. If I was still an ML parent I would be p-ssed.

ML = B Ball

On what basis did he get DCE banned from NAL? I get that a bunch of players moved over from ML to DCE, but DCE didn’t do anything wrong or underhanded, did they?

It depends who you ask. Parents got upset on how ML was coached and managed and I believe 9 left as a package deal to DCE Black after an early tryout. On the ML side, losing 9 kids and having to scramble to make sure you have competitive team would definitely be frustrating. But, you cannot keep avoiding DCE teams in tournaments forever. Either take the hit from losing or work your tail off and beat the DCE team.

ML is able to get DCE 2028 banned, because he is a founding member... Also, I am sure they did not want to deal with him anymore.