Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Still waiting for real facts.

My hunch is that there was no actual cheating by Next Level, but that ProStart filed a complaint, because it was a #4 beating #1 upset, and the complaint was unfounded. Can someone confirm?

The Next Level cheating in the 2031 class is news to me. Can someone provide details and point to a game on the HoCo scoreboard that went down as a forfeit? and what was the crime exactly?

Here are the facts:

Baltimore Swarm got their butts handed to them by NL early in the season 30-1. BS complained to the league, for what I don’t have a clue.

Pro start was #1 and NL was #2.

1vs2 not 1vs4

If you compare both team schedules and watch the results, the results they were pretty close to one another. they beat the same teams by about the same scores!

The idea that ProSlash was ever so briefly #1 in AA is sad for all involved.