Originally Posted by Anonymous
ML defense from the midfield down was very solid. Harassed us the entire time. Their goalie was also very good and stopped a bunch of shots (note of disclosure... he is friends with my son). On offense they had some problems on the left side. Wasn't sure if it was their attack or midfield, but a number of dropped passes and poor throws that led to turnovers. Other than that their ball movement on offense was fast.

I know most of the kids and it doesn't look like ML had any new blood, but they have grown. Their big midi, who is often discussed on this page, is no longer the biggest kid on their team but he can still drop the hammer. fwiw
I will agree with this previous post— Madlax D is very good, from Middies back to the goalie. On-ball defense was really solid, sophisticated slide traps on our middies, 3 big and physical D Poles, and while small, a very fundamentally sound goalie who made a bunch of stops. Teams will have a tough time scoring on Madlax this year— just a matter of them being able to score against the other Big 3. Nobody stood out on offense, even their big Middie 47. He’s a lot to handle, but he’s a well rounded player who shares the ball. They will win most of their games through their D.