Originally Posted by Anonymous
I wonder what happens to CM and ML when the dozens and dozens of texts and emails threatening kids becomes public?

I'm not sure if he did this (I haven't seen any evidence), but even if he did I think the answer is that nothing will happen as long as the team is winning. None of the behavior is new, and all of the now-DCE and NL parents rolled their eyes but dealt with it for years and years -- it wasn't until the team started losing more frequently that they actually made a change. It's not like they all took some principled stand at the first (or second or third) sign of trouble.

You could argue that the erratic behavior made it hard for the team to recruit and over time that's what resulted in their fall from being a top 10 or 20 team, but that's a different question.

For lots of people the idea that playing for ML will give them more exposure or a leg up in HS admissions, recruiting or whatever else, is enough that they will deal with the silliness.