Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Take away the 14 year old from Richmond and Madlax 2028 would be in bottom third of HoCo Elite. It's not just a FOGO issue. There's not a player on that team who'd start for Hawks.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Take away the 14 year old from Richmond and Madlax 2028 would be in bottom third of HoCo Elite. It's not just a FOGO issue. There's not a player on that team who'd start for Hawks.

There’s a 14 year old playing for Madlax 2028?

No, there isn't.

He was 14 this winter when he played for ML in their box tournament. Or at least, he was asked all through the day how old he was, and told everybody he was 14. Not sure if he is on the spring roster though, as we haven't played ML yet.

Our sons have played a variety of the kids from Richmond and Tidewater, and honestly they need 1 or 2 years of athletic holdback to compete at a high level. The overall lax product coming out of VA (south of Fairfax) is not amazing, to put it kindly. Not justifying it, just stating the facts.