Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
As long as the players are rostered and are 2028s in school then the True experiment is allowed. Flights, hotels etc likely run 1-2k or more per weekend for little lax ditka to play in a league of Md and Va teams so I would not say this is growing the game (10k per family, 90k for all fly-ins for 13 yr olds). Competition is good for the league and the sport and crabs 91 Madlax and others have had 1-2 fly-ins in the past. Nothing like the 8-9 rumored to be coming in for true “Chesapeake” who lost by 9 to FCA.
Madlax has never flown a kid in for HoCo in 2028. Youre a clown.

Just because kids are driving 3 hours from other states to play for 2028 Cap, instead of taking 90 minute flights from IL, doesn't mean you get your soapbox time, Clownholio.

Crabs, Hawks and 91 could make your same weak claim even at the HS level, with kids DRIVING in from NY to FL.
Really… clearly, again, you have zero clue about Madlax. There is a kid who has commuted from Charlottesville VA for 3 years. The rest— they ALL live within 10-15 miles of one another. Far closer proximity than Hawks (kids from DE), Crabs, 91, etc. you sound like Fauci.

Not a ML parent, but what they've been able to accomplish with largely the same roster since third grade is pretty impressive. As much as it will pain people to admit, if there is any program that actually develops talent, it may be this one.

Caveats: (1) it's weird how ML parents seem to think that having had an out of area, holdback player for 3+ years grandfathers him in so somehow doesn't count now, (2) they do rely on fly-in players for at least major tourneys, if not HOCO and (3) while good, their roster seems a little thin, as shown by the Monuments rebrand.
Hawks goalie is from Delaware. Truly “out of state.” And the Hawks have several 2027 drop downs over the last 2 years. Multiple.