Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Madlax and Hawks cruise in DE as expected.

Crabs with three one goal losses to go winless. Ouch.

Meanwhile complete amateur hour at the Next Level tournament resulting in a literal last minute cancellation of the whole event.

Did the Hawks really cruise? I heard Nationals made them work. NXT within 4 goals?! Doesn’t sound like cruising.

Yes. Don’t worry, Cabell. Hawks are terrible. They only beat NXT 7-3 and they actually had to play to beat Nationals. I predict they will have to show up and play to actually win, which is proof that they’re actually bad. Better than everyone they play (not Madlax of course), but not good.

Serious question- why would both of those teams be there and not play each other?

This is a stipulation that these clubs sometimes have when offering to "strengthen the field" by entering their club in an event (the following teams don't want to play us, and we're, uhhhh, OK with that).

Same reason that at Madlax events, ML teams start the event by facing the worst team (at 2028s, that would be Predators, MESA, Sidewinders, or 91).

ML and Hawks are at these events to build their brand, not to get their star players beat up 2 weeks before HoCo.

Like it or detest it, accept it or not, it's the facts. There's no other logical reason why these two teams "miss each other" so often at tournaments.