Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Just an observation, not intending to bash the Hawks or pump Madlax. The Hawks are super legit.

Madlax beat Akswanse Thunder on Saturday, 14-2.
Thunder just beat the Crabs 12-4, beat True Annapolis 6-4, and lost to the Hawks 9-8.

Time will tell, and certain player matchups can often dictate results. But Madlax is the team to beat in Elite 2028. They also spanked Philly Freedom 8-2 last week, who beat the Hawks by 4 in the fall.

Hawks beat Freedom 12-6 last weekend as well. Same goal differential. Madlax playing for the Internet. Hawks playing 2s and 3s to get them work. When they play in HOCO, it’ll be must see TV. Sadly- Madlax, won’t win a Faceoff against the 2027 Hawks fogo.

Yeah man, and how about NXT last weekend. Hawks barely won. Madlax beat the same team 10-0 with their bench playing the second half. Bring it.

Bring it? Dude, flexing about your kid's U12 lacrosse team is about the softest thing ever.

I played lacrosse myself and it's a fun sport, but let's be clear that no one really thinks of lacrosse players -- let alone their middle aged dads -- as tough guys.