Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
True lost to Blue Claw. A glorified Rec team. Some of these people need to get their heads checked.

You guys love beating up on True so much that you sometimes lose sight of reality.

True was very solid this spring and the Blue Claws looked good this spring too. Pretty sure they were the #1 team in HoCo AAA and had kids from Crabs, FCA and other "elites".

There are few elite teams out there, but a lot of very good ones. Tone it down a bit with the vitriol.

It’s my experience that the ones who detest True the most, are generally ex-True people. Elite teams generally
Don’t despise b- level or lower level clubs.

The most justified complaints I have seen about True is that they lured away people from other clubs, promised great coaches and practice. Failed to deliver. Now that original club team is worse off w/o those kids and they lost that time with a bad exp.

And the neon green is nauseating