What an eye opening experience! glad that this is happening now so that we can scratch coppermine off our tryout lists. To go to these extremes on here and pretending to be others as an excuse to post how GOOD your kid is just so you can flip the script of the tryouts reality is scary obsession. You have no business coaching these young women that you are trying to devalue and tear down in order to try to make your kid look good. Mine was cut in that round with yours. Her anxiety got the best of her and I can say that she deserved to be cut that day. It will make her better in the long run but we both know that they were cut and from watching what I saw there were 0 mistakes in the kids who survived the cuts - 0! There was a lot of really good talent out there and the kids who made the cuts were all amazing. For you, a coach, to say differently and that your kid was more deserving is scary. No thanks Coppermine.