Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
AS rosters are not out yet, but I have talked to enough people to have some sense of who’s on which team. Part incompetence and part politics, as you would expect. Heros girls who made yellow got bumped up to red after their moms complained, and the coppermine girl who got cut in first round magically ended up on red after her mom made some calls.

Do we have proof of this? How do we know this?
I want to know that too. Also as someone who has a kid that didn’t make it I wasn’t aware there were two rounds of cuts. What am I missing?

There was NOT two rounds of cuts. People need to quit it. If you’re referring to some girls asked to stay longer and some being dismissed -that was NOT a cut. Clearly.

She is a very good player and they made a mistake. No one is arguing that. As a matter of fact there were several mistakes made on players. With that said, 30+ kids were “dismissed” and only ONE made a team. Red at that. Make of it what you will… but, if this is someone from AS, it may be best to just admit you made a mistake as opposed to trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. You may be able to save some credibility. And my kid made red so this isn’t sour grapes. But, she did see a lot of her close friends leave in tears at call backs. It was a terrible thing to do to 13 year old girls if it wasn’t a “cut”. Maybe make that clear when you send them home as opposed to just saying “thanks for coming”. We have all been around the block enough to know what happen in that moment.

What planet are you from? Of course that WAS a cut! What “facts” do you have that there were mistakes made on players? You sound like one of the parents involved trying to cover up what you did by saying that AS “made mistakes on players and you should be ashamed of what your doing, cutting down the successes of these 13 year old girls who actually made the teams without mommy calling to complain. You said you have facts so please share because It sounds like AS didn’t make mistakes in the actual evaluation process except for realizing that they were CUTTING certain players who’s parents were going to harass them