"They are going there to stand on the sidelines to replace the other girls who stood on the sidelines? Asking for a friend"

Negative trolls. Why even say that? How does it affect you at all? It's their CHOICE. I'm sure they are going eyes wide open and have a good idea of how things have been in the past. No reason to bash the people leaving, the team you are leaving or any of the coaches or players on any of the teams. Not everyone wants the same thing. Hopefully each of the girls (or their mom or dad that likely drove the moves) that moved from any of the teams is happier where they land. Love when a Mom is in shock a team didn't try harder to keep her daughter...because they know the cancerous parent comes with her. If everyone winds up where they want to be hopefully the negativity will die down... Can't believe there is still another week of this garbage commentary on the shuffling. Peace.