Everyone knows at this time that the MIAA is full of kids playing sports that are usually older than the public school kids in any HS grade and frankly older than any grade all the way to prefirst. The only grade that is the same in MIAA schools and Public is Kindergarten. LOL

In the past I dont think it was even on the radar of anyone , even the MIAA own people didnt care as many did it. It had nothing to do with anyone outside the MIAA schools.

Once Youth lacrosse started going grade base ( actually the Jerks at Howard County Recreation HOCO ) started it all with their grade base league. One of the original Directors of HOCO has a held back kid in MIAA. Wonder if that had anything to do with HOCO going grade base instead of age like every other league in Howard County. JERKS! HOCO gets the Hall of Shame for Lacrosse oin MD...

Anyway once the older MIAA kids were shoved down the throats of everyone outside of the MIAA. That was it. Now everyone knows about the edge that the MIAA has with older kids. Not only is it out there. It is getting worst as more parents are holding their child back at prefirst or reclass at 8th.

The hodlback thing isnt going away anytime soon. Get use to it!