Originally Posted by Anonymous
Trump is the biggest lier and fraud in the history of the American political system, bar none. Yep, he sure did know what he had to do to win, connect with Russia and secure their assistance. Now, my turn, Shut the [lacrosse]*k up. This is a lacrosse forum, if you want to discuss Trump and other low life creatures, take it somewhere else.

You write like a blabbering hypocrite with very little critical thinking. You or someone like you comes out of nowhere an insults Trump.
A person sorta defends Trump by casting him in with all politicians as saying he/they do whatever it takes to win an election.
Then the supposedly all knowing you casts yourself as some historian of American political history (LOL) and rant on about Trump, calling him names like some petulant child who didn't get their way.
You are a bully on the playground who thinks he can start something and after his bullying tells the world that that is it. No one else is allowed to do what I just did. Hilarious!! Are you sure you are not one of those low life creatures you talk about?