LI needs another club to come along with a director with the energy and passion to build a quality program. Passion for the sport not just motivation for $$. They need to have a development plan, strong understanding of the sport year round development, access to facilities, and solid coaching/coaches who share that vision.

My daughter does not play YJ. I do not like her but respect what she has done (not a fan of current business practices, but I blame the lemmings more than her). But my understanding is that she started YJ about 15 years ago when girls lacrosse was still in its relative infancy. So she was fairly young with her own young children when she started. So starting YJ must of been a labor of love for her as much if not more than the financial part. Today it will be hard to find a person willing to commit so much of oneself t start something such as she did that has grown into the huge business it is now. Now people go into this for the quick and instant $$.

It will be rare to find someone with that sort of passion and patience needed to put together another highly successful travel program. So if you are looking for a program, look at the directors commitment, their plan, and whether their coaches buy into what the director is saying. It is a tough ask to find that out, but they are good questions to ask.