Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
LOL,, theres 62 counties in NY State, so LI's 2 counties makes up slightly more then half the commits out of the other 60...

Can you provide the stats to prove this?

As someone above recommended Lax Numbers.

Lax numbers is always a few days behind
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I detest that someone asked for this, looks like my expense report for last month needs to wait. I didn't break down Long Island vs New York but note that the population of LI is roughly 1/3 of NY's total population(Data from Lax Numbers and US Census)
*note that when you sort Lax Numbers by state it will both include if the state of residence but also the location of the College so I had to download and sort the data differently but actual location(ex. If you drop down CT, it will include girls from CT and also girls going to Yale)

Also, I included 2024 total commit % to show more data and early vs late commits.

State__Total___% of 25 Committs/24 Commits___Total State Population___Percentage of State Population

MD___52_______________11.38%/12.4%__________ 6,100,000___________0.0008525%
NH____ 7_______________1.5%/2.1%______________1,395,000__________0.0005018%
OR____5 ________________1.1%/2.3%______________4,240,000__________0.0001179%
OH____10_______________ 2.2%/3.1%______________22,244,000_________0.0000629%
CA____15_______________ 3.3%/2.6%______________39,029,000_________0.0000384%

That was a big waste of time

I did it for you. Of the 90 - 38 are not from Long Island. Almost half. Most of that is Between the NY Primetime kids, Monster and Salt City. So yeah. If you’re adding CT in there with 20sometthing, NY isn’t just LI.


So what you're saying is more than 1/2 the NY kids are from LI....

Haha. You can read. But you comprehending doesn’t seem to be strong But the original post didn’t mention the rest of Ny. He said that it looks like most of the kids are coming from LI MD and CT. And I rightfully added that there was more kids from NY outside of CT. Specifically upstate nY. But thank you for jumping in. Smh

so what you're saying is majority of NY kids already committied are from 2 counties in NY state.. ii mean, just to clarify the OP

No. Upstate and Long Island are about as far apart as can be. And Long Island is 2 different counties not 1. Upstate has about multiple. Are you breaking down counties with Maryland? Once again, and for the last time. The original post said the majority of commits were from MD LI and CT. I pointed out that they left out the rest of NY which outside of LI had more commits than CT and almost as much as MD. And that it came from two areas. Westchester and Upstate, which are also nowhere near each other.