Just like everything on here this exchange is off the rails. Our daughter will choose the best school for her with academics and culture as the top priority but with the highest level of lacrosse for her ability. With two parents who played the sport at the highest level, I am more than okay with our approach. Lacrosse is not a career. It opens doors to schools and networks just like other sports. Playing for a national championship would be amazing but only a very few will have that opportunity in their 4 years. The numbers cited in one quote above show how limited the teams are that get to Final Four weekend. It's awesome to be a part of that but those teams will continue to take the top recruits and keep going back. With Clemson and USF making big strides in the portal and recruiting, you will see both of them there soon. It will be at the expense of on or two of the one and done teams.

Why can't people just be thrilled that they have a kid who can play anywhere at a school they love? And be happy for the kids who choose somewhere else?