Originally Posted by Anonymous
Pretty sure this is very common or I hope, but it’s driving my daughter nuts. Anyone else go through this? Coach calls sept 1 midnight and tells your daughter they love her. Get a text a few days later and say hey are you available tomorrow to chat about setting up a visit. You set it up. Next day comes. They don’t call. Next day they text again with an excuse, “so sorry something came up. Are you available tomorrow at 7.” You set it up, 7 comes and they do t call. Then they text in two days and go through it all again.

Now I know ghosting is common. What bothers me here is be a ghost. Don’t call the next day so sorry can “connect” (I detest that word) tomorrow”

Anyway. Is this common or is the coach going throw a midlife crisis and is really that bad at administrative stuff?

Ghosting happens all the time, but with this, doesn’t sound like a ghost. No offense but it is either she’s not that high on their priority or maybe they are all over the place.